• Brass plate is a widely used lead brass. It has good mechanical properties and good machinability. It can withstand hot and cold pressure processing. It is used in various structural parts for cutting and stamping processing, such as gaskets and liners. Set etc. Tin brass plate has high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties, and good pressure processability under cold and hot conditions. Hal ieu bisa dianggo pikeun bagian tahanan sareng nyongton pikeun kapal sareng ngaktifkeun kontak sareng uap, minyak sareng média sanés.

  • Prosestivitas termal sadetik ngan ukur ka pérak sareng seueur dianggo dina nyieun alat résprési eleri sareng termal. tambaga di

    Éta ngagaduhan daya tahan korosina hadé dina asam organik (asam asétét, asam sitrat) sareng dianggo dina industri kimia.