Saluran C

  • Konsumsi dikurangan disonfirmasi slot s slot

    Konsumsi dikurangan disonfirmasi slot s slot

    Salat saluran C-saluran nyaéta jenis baja struktur Fitur na ditambahkeun: beurat cahya sareng kakuatan tinggi, gampang pikeun ngangkut sareng dipasang; Kinerja sambungan anu hadé, gampang janten sambungan sareng Bolt; Resain korosi, biasana saatos pengobatan anti; Karawanaan anu saé, tiasa dipotong sareng bengkok. C-channel steel is widely used in construction, bridge, mechanical equipment and storage shelves, and has excellent structural performance and adaptability.

  • Pembekal Cina ngajual tenep-kartun anu berkualitas tinggi
  • Korosi Korsi Kualitas Tinggi Kacilakaan

    Korosi Korsi Kualitas Tinggi Kacilakaan

    Bream saluran Caker Doklat Fotovolsaic mangrupikeun jinis struktur dukungan sacara umum dipaké di sistem generasi daya fotovolariasi, anu ngagaduhan seueur ciriistik. Mimiti, ukuran desain baja béns ngajantenkeun éta rélaxkeun sareng ngaganjar, sareng tiasa mujarat mata modul anu luhur, meronaya stabilitas sareng kaamanan sistem sareng kaamanan sistem sareng kaamanan sistem. Kalenturan kalenturan C Eelihan ngajadikeun éta cocog pikeun tip-béda sistem fotovoltais, naha taneuh atanapi hateup, méré dukungan tiasa dipercaya.

  • Pembatingan Daruh K saluyu Batesan Baja Baja Baja Bata Bata Bata Beels Beels Beel

    Pembatingan Daruh K saluyu Batesan Baja Baja Baja Bata Bata Bata Beels Beels Beel

    Strut baja C-saluran anu biasana dilakukeun tina baja karbon anu berkualitas sareng kakuatan anu luhur sareng beban anu mawa kapasitas anu mawa kapasitas. Struktur bilar sederhana sacara sederhana dina desain sareng gampang tiasa masang pikeun macét konstruksi sareng kamampuan pangrodi mékanik. Its cross section form makes the pillar have good stability in both longitudinal and transverse, suitable for bearing large loads. In addition, C-channel steel has good corrosion resistance and can maintain a long service life in harsh environments, making it ideal for use in places such as industrial plants and warehouses.

  • Pembersihan China Hash Galvanized Salya Sed

    Pembersihan China Hash Galvanized Salya Sed

    Photovoltaic bracket is a metal structural bracket specially used to support solar modules in solar photovoltaic power generation system. It is an important component in the construction of photovoltaic power generation system. It is also called solar panel bracket. It is an important facility used to install and support solar panels. It is equivalent to the “skeleton” of the photovoltaic power station. Éta nyayogikeun dingungan stabil sareng sono pikeun modul fotovolejaic sareng mastikeun yén stasi listrik fothovatciis tiasa ngjalankeun di sababaraha lingkungan.

  • (C purlin univistrib, saluran Strut Strut) CE Tekét Pothovoltaik anu panas

    (C purlin univistrib, saluran Strut Strut) CE Tekét Pothovoltaik anu panas

    Nalika datang pikeun ngawangun gedong anu kuat sareng milih bahan wangunan anu pas mangrupikeun penting. Diantara seueur pilihan anu aya, réat matéran baja nangtung salaku pilihan serbaguna sareng populér. IAmong the various types of C Purlins, we will focus specifically on the galvanized variant due to its exceptional durability and strength.The main function of the  power station application scenarios such as roofs, ground, and water surfaces, to ensure that the solar panels can be fixed in place and can withstand gravity and wind pressure. Éta ogé tiasa ngabantosan nyaluyukeun sudut panél panel pikeun adapt ka radiasi sabeuy anu béda sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi gizi.

  • Tali baja galvanisasi galvaned slanded Citer

    Tali baja galvanisasi galvaned slanded Citer

    When it comes to constructing sturdy and reliable buildings, selecting the right building materials is crucial. Among the many options available, C-Channel Structural Steel stands out as a versatile and popular choice. Ianiong tina rupa-rupa jinis C purlins, urang bakal difokuskeun khusus dina Variabilitas Galvanized Kusabab Curnabilitas sareng Fungsi Utama The power station application scenarios such as roofs, ground, and water surfaces, to ensure that the solar panels can be fixed in place and can withstand gravity and wind pressure. Éta ogé tiasa ngabantosan nyaluyukeun sudut panél panel pikeun adapt ka radiasi sabeuy anu béda sareng ningkatkeun efisiensi gizi.

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