Ngolah logam & ngaropéa

  • Kualitas anu paling saé 20ft 40ft wadahna

    Kualitas anu paling saé 20ft 40ft wadahna

    Wadahna mangrupikeun unit bungkusan karto anu dianggo pikeun ngangkut barang. Hal ieu biasana dilakukeun tina logam, baja atanapi alumunium sareng ngagaduhan ukuran standar sareng struktur pikeun ngagampangkeun transfer antara modeu transportasi, sapertos kapal. Ukuran standar wadahna nyaéta 20 kaki sareng 40 suku panjang sareng 8 kaki ku 6 suku luhur.

  • Steel processed parts is on the basis of steel raw materials, according to the product drawings provided by customers, customized and manufactured product production molds for customers according to the required product specifications, dimensions, materials, special surface treatment, and other information of the processed bagéan. Precision, high-quality, and high-tech production is carried out according to customer requirements. If there are no design drawings, it's okay. Our product designers will design according to the customer's needs.

  • Steel processed parts is on the basis of steel raw materials, according to the product drawings provided by customers, customized and manufactured product production molds for customers according to the required product specifications, dimensions, materials, special surface treatment, and other information of the processed bagéan. Precision, high-quality, and high-tech production is carried out according to customer requirements. If there are no design drawings, it's okay. Our product designers will design according to the customer's needs.

  • Steel processed parts is on the basis of steel raw materials, according to the product drawings provided by customers, customized and manufactured product production molds for customers according to the required product specifications, dimensions, materials, special surface treatment, and other information of the processed bagéan. Precision, high-quality, and high-tech production is carried out according to customer requirements. If there are no design drawings, it's okay. Our product designers will design according to the customer's needs.

