Rel bajaSapertos komponén jalur anu dianggo dina sistem transportasi karéta sapertos karéta api, sareng koran pikeun ngadukung sareng maréntah kendaraan. It is made of a special kind of steel and undergoes specific processing and treatment processes.Rails come in different models and specifications, and the corresponding models and specifications can be selected as needed to meet the needs of specific railway transportation systems.
Astm Hum Dibérsi Strates
Гораааааааанана пя + шовать
ТолDe: 4-16 М.
Длина: Негорееноеноеt -
nyaéta struktur diwangun bahan baja sareng mangrupikeun salah sahiji jinis struktur gedong utama. The structure is mainly composed of steel beams, steel columns, steel trusses and other components made of section steel and steel plates, and adopts silanization, pure manganese phosphating, washing and drying, galvanizing and other rust prevention processes.